Friday, July 30, 2010

Whole Foods Challenge Update ( Week 1 Complete)

We are one week into our food and eating challenge and overall it has gone great. The benefits and likes about it so far are as follows:

1. I really enjoyed preparing, organizing, and preparing the food for the meals for the week.
2. The food really made me feel less tired and feel stronger in ways, like I had more energy through out the day.
3. My daughter who I have been trying to get interested in helping me in the kitchen, finally started watching and helping me with the foods and it was a great mother daughter time.
4. Because I had everything planned out into meals I knew each day what we were going to eat and there was no 5:00 question or search for something to make.
5. My husband did not complain as much as I thought he was going to, he at least tried mainly everything I made, but some things he did not finish which was okay with me. I was just glad he was open to trying new things.
6. The left overs of fruits and veggies I was able to turn into baby puree food for my son and freeze them.

The downfalls for this process for me were:

1. Getting use to the prep and planning for the meals
2. Understanding the cooking aspects for new foods and materials we have never used. Such as all the different types of flour and oils you can buy and for what foods they should be paired up with.
3. My fridge was packed full I could not fit in my normal 4 gallons of milk for the week.
4. Left overs, because I cooked to much of everything, which again took up room in my fridge for the week until we had our clean out the fridge meal on Friday.

Overall it was good, I plan on continuing and learning about healthy and natural cooking. I do have to mention when we went grocery shopping this weekend my husband had to be my conscious 3 times in the store and talk me down from picking up items such as (Oreo's, snack food) I was craving a sweet and easy treat (fix) and did not want to go home to bake cookies or a treat to fill it because of the time it was going to entail, but that is what I did and I am glad that I did it. So I know there is going to be a few ups and downs while making this switch.

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