Monday, November 30, 2009

Homeschooling Questions and Self Reflection Starters

Below is a list of questions I intend to search myself and the Bible for answers in the next few weeks. I have reached the conclusion that homeschooling of itself is no longer a question or right or wrong for our family, I have not disagreed or hesitated at any of the day in and day out ideas of homeschooling. Instead it was deeper, there was something or is something still holding me back in FEAR of proceeding and acknowledging that this is what our family has decided to do. I have read so many books from the library and have compiled questions to help me self reflect on the whats, whys, and hows. Hopefully these questions will open something up inside of me, draw me closer to God, and lead me in my next direction of where and what God wants me to be doing.

What intrigues you about homeschooling?

I'd like to home school but...

What if any are my spouses concerns and thoughts on homeschooling?

What is my philosophy or purpose on eduction today? (This hopefully will continually change as I educate myself, and further my pursuit of what the Bible says education should be)

After reading Deuteronomy 6, what is my reaction?

What ways am I currently teaching God's laws, principles, and ways to my kids?

Do I need to improve in quantity or quality of time with my kids to be able to communicate God's word to them?

What beliefs and truths do I want my kids to hold onto?

How well am I at communicating these to my kids now? Do I need to be more grounded in the Lord's word?

How do I define success for myself, others, and my kids? Does it differ from person to person?

What sacrifices do I see I will have to make in order to home school?

What questions do I have about meeting my kids academic needs?

What are my concerns about homeschooling 1 year at a time verses deciding to home school long term? Which of these obstacles then are to big for GOD?

Who will take exception to our decision to home school?

What will be their greatest concerns, and why? How can I ease these concerns? Am I prepared to not be defensive but yet educate them in our decision as to why out of Love?

What doubts am I having?

If these doubts come to pass, what is the worst thing that could happen?

What do you want your kids to learn from your example?

How will or can I encourage the kids to be the following:
Self directed learners
Produce quality of work
effective communicators
efficient researchers
problem solvers
critical thinkers

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